I am enjoying the recent discourse and thought I'd add something.
Years ago I had a very decent system,Acoustat model 3 with medallion transformer,Conrad Johnson MV75A-1 and Conrad Premier two pre.Cd wasn't around yet, so I listened to an Oracle TT, Fidelity research arm and Cart and a Verion MC Step up and a Janus sub.
One recording I enjoyed was the Dafos lp,especially the jungle track.
I have never heard more depth since from any other systems I've assembled, perhaps I should have stopped then.
Now I am using 3 panel Acoustat X monitors with their servo charged tube amps(modded)the LSA and an SME 10,V, and clearaudio combo into a Manley steelhead.
I miss that "illusion" of depth from days gone by, but I enjoy the clarity and preciseness of what I'm hearing now.
So,I would agree that some pieces of gear can alter how the music is reproduced in our homes, but none of us know just what the correct version is.
Was that illusion of depth due to distortions or phase shifts in the Premier Two that are absent in the LSA?
Of course not a fair comparison, there are too many other differences between the two systems to say that it was all preamp dependant.
Getting to the point, it's obvious to us all that everything is an illusion and it's all about trade-offs and what appeals to one person may not to another.
As someone said, that's why there's vanilla and chocolate.
And that's why some swear allegiance to tubes and some to solid state.
I've been fooled more than once into thinking I had gotten my sound to be "as good as it gets" only to be pleasantly surpriced when a new device or tweak proved that statement wrong.
Then again, has anyone ever really heard it "as good as it gets"?
I don't think so, and I doubt anyone ever will.
I enjoy the effortless clarity that the LSA brings to the table.
For me it's like a more direct link to the music,almost as if it's not even there in the mix of gear.
It may lack some of the sonic fireworks I and others have come to expect from audio gear, but then again, who knows what is and isn't the best reproduced sound?
Until the audio community can agree on a benchmark set of parameters other than specs for specs sake,all things will be all things to all men.