Red Wine Audio Isabella

so i just ordered my red wine audio Isabella with dac -

it just went up for sale yesterday and vinnie of red wine stated that i should have it in 3 weeks. I have been excited about this one since it was mentioned last fall! Anyone else order one? I'll post my impressions once I get it. I have a good feeling that this one is going to be the ONE!

Yes he told me so but not for long.
That is part of the news that will be posted on his website tomorrow. Getting warmer????
haha - now I know what you are talking about mariusz!
man i am getting the itch to upgrade to a new set of speakers from Austria!

Hi Nate. I am sorry for not spilling the beans but I have promised to keep my mouth shut. Yep, they sure look very tempting. In fact, I will have chance to audition La Scala monitors in a week or two. According to Vinnie, floor standers and monitors are esentially the same speaker. The only difference is the 10Hz difference in bass extention.
As far as I know, Vinnie is selling his Devore 9s in favor of La Scalas. It is unfortunate that US dollar is so weak but even with its $5500 & $4500 for monitors,.... performance is said to be on par with more expensive designs. But most importantly, synergy between those speakers and RWA gear was said to be very special.........bad news for Omega speakers I guess...?????? From what I have heard the bass is awesome but what is most amazing about La Scalas is how they sound-stage and image.

We will find out pretty soon.

The La Scala seems like a great speaker. I've owned the Devore Super 8's and have heard the nines. Does the WLM La Scala or Diva have more weight, body? Does it have the crazy image and depth of the Devores?

Anyone done a listening comparison between the two? The La Scala is the baby of the line. How about the others? Where do they sit?

Not meant to derail but I do have RWA in my house.
Vinnie was kind enough to bring his La Scala monitors over to the August "Rave".(But away , the Isabella and Sig.30.2 on the picture are mine. :) )

My initial impression is very positive. They do indeed work very well with RWA gear. Smooth, relaxed presentation with very well define bass. Image and soundstage is exceptional for speakers in this price range. However it is the Grand Viola that I want to hear. Price on the other hand is way out of my reach.
I can not answer your question about the differences or similarities between La Scala and Devore speakers, simply because I have not heard the Devores. Vinnie did and he might answer this question for you. If it is of any importance to you, Vinnie just sold his Devore not ask me why.:)
