Mark Levinson 326S or Audio Research Ref 3 ?

I have a Threshold Fet 9 preamp which I want to change. I bought this one years ago and choose it because I thought it would temperate a little bit the energy of my power amplifier an OCM 200 which is very fast and almost a little bit agressive sometimes. (Londspeakers are Infinity Renaissance 90).

Now I want to upgrade my preamp and I was thinking at the M.L. 326s or the A.R. ref 3 ... what would you advice?

Thanks for your help.

I think the 326S is an excellent preamp; it's extremely quiet with a solid hold of the low end and a nice clear midrange. However, it still has that Levinson sound which some may feel is "musical" but it's something it imparts on everything particularly in the treble (very much a Transparent cable effect for lack of a better description) but frankly, its not something that's extremely obvious; it's only when I compared it to my Wadia direct that I was able to put my finger on it. For the price though, it's probably in the top echelon and I could definitely live with it and enjoy it.

With regard to SS and tubes in the first reply, try the Ayre KX-R and then see if you still have the same mindset.
thank you everybody, I have definitively to try the Capri ... amazing review from Guidocorona who owns an A.R. ref 3 !!

it would be perfect to have the ML, AR and the Capri together to compare them directly on my system, but this is of course impossible
The Absolute Sound magazine has reviewed the Ref 3 and says it is among the best pre amp ever made. I do not think there is any doubt of this...
07-06-08: Philjolet said:
"The Absolute Sound magazine has reviewed the Ref 3 and says it is among the best pre amp ever made. I do not think there is any doubt of this..."

I believe that GuidoCorona writes for TAS and owns a Ref 3, so you'd put a lot of stock in his review of the Rowland Capri.
