Mark Levinson 326S or Audio Research Ref 3 ?

I have a Threshold Fet 9 preamp which I want to change. I bought this one years ago and choose it because I thought it would temperate a little bit the energy of my power amplifier an OCM 200 which is very fast and almost a little bit agressive sometimes. (Londspeakers are Infinity Renaissance 90).

Now I want to upgrade my preamp and I was thinking at the M.L. 326s or the A.R. ref 3 ... what would you advice?

Thanks for your help.

The Absolute Sound magazine has reviewed the Ref 3 and says it is among the best pre amp ever made. I do not think there is any doubt of this...
07-06-08: Philjolet said:
"The Absolute Sound magazine has reviewed the Ref 3 and says it is among the best pre amp ever made. I do not think there is any doubt of this..."

I believe that GuidoCorona writes for TAS and owns a Ref 3, so you'd put a lot of stock in his review of the Rowland Capri.

My vote is AR ref3..although I dont own either,have listened to both..IMO ,Levinson products have never sounded musical so thats a no brainer 4 me