Integrated amp with phono section for Totem Arro

Hello, gang,

I've been doing research on the following topic already, and I beg your indulgence if this topic has been beaten to death! :-)

In about a week, I should be the proud owner of a brand-new pair of Totem Arro speakers! :-)

Most of the rest of my system comes from the mid-1980s. This includes my amplifier, a PS Audio Elite Plus integrated amp, solid-state, of course, with 70 W per channel. I have assurances from PS Audio that this amplifier should, in theory, have no trouble driving the Arro, which presents a load of 4 ohms. What I'm wondering, however, it is since the Arro is, from everything I've heard, a VERY revealing little speaker, I'm concerned in advance what I ought to do for amplification if the Elite Plus turns out to sound harsh when paired with the Arro.

What I need, then, would be a much more modern, integrated amplifier, including a phono stage, because my main analog source is a SOTA Sapphire turntable.

I'd be looking at something that I could pick up for, say, $700 or less. Something used would be okay.

All suggestions welcome! :-)
I enjoy my Lehmann Black cube. It's the old version without the upgraded power supply. And for ~$250 used, I think it's a great bargain. It easily beats the phono section in my Rotel receiver, which isn't all too bad itself. More detail, better soundstage, and just more realistic overall.
I have auditioned a pair of Arro driven by a Cambridge Audio A640. Good bass, transparent midrange, and good image for a pair of tiny 4.5" driver.

Totem mentioned Rega to me probably because Rega was their distributor in Europe. I was thinking about getting a pair of Arro too but that was I brought home two pairs of Dynaudio monitors. From now, I will bet my money on Dynaudio.

I personally own a NAD C372 and a NAD C270 and use them to drive my Dynaudio monitors also 4 ohm impedance speakers. Both are neutral with the NAD C270 a tad warmer which is better for my taste of bass pitch and definition. Since the NAD C372 can drive the Model 1 well it means the C372 can drive the Arro with much ease.

Cambridge Audio is a very good choice (great for the money) Rega Mira or Creek 5350 are good too just more expensive. Roksan Kandy, the latest version, is also a good candidate. On the tube side, Cayin sounds really warm and is a capable amp for your Arro.

Just don't get that Creek Evo, underpower but very expensive for what it could do.

As mentioned above, I managed to score a Unison Unico here on Audiogon. It sounds very nice with the Arro and will drive them to SPL's that I'd never listen to because I value what's left of my middle-aged hearing apparatus. ;-) I'm still waiting to see how it sounds as they continue to break in.