How do you clean tube pins?

I'm sure there must be some discussion on how to clean tube pins (both power and small input tubes), but I haven't been able to find much on the subject. Specifically:

1) As tube pins are so close to each other, what tool do you use to clean the pin?
2) What solvents do you use?
3) How often should you clean tube pins?
4) Any other advise / suggestions you'd like to share.

In advance, thanks for any suggestions you may offer.
The best stuff is Caig DeoxIT Gold, in the pen ( Wipe the pen tip around the pins a couple times, clean off with a rag, apply a little again and you're done. If you really want the cherries- Apply a touch of Walker Audio SST after cleaning off the Caig DeoxIT. (
Hi Louis1,

Most of the time just by taking a tube out and putting it back in the socket 6 or so times in a row should clean the pins well enough. If not, as mentioned above steel wool or a brush can be used. Make sure to wipe away any lose particles before re-inserting the tube in the tube socket.

Word of caution ..... I highly recommend checking with the manufacture of your amp/pre before using ANY chemical cleaner or contact enhancer as this may void your warranty and and using such products may cause a costly repair bill.

Take a normal pencil. Drill a small hole in the end centered. Fit tube pin into drilled hole and rotate. If you need to get SST off use an emory board.
I've been using contact cleaners of varying discriptions on tube pins for 30 some years. All it takes is reading the instructions and a modicum of common sense to use them successfully, and without any sort of damage.
I've had good luck cleaning steel tube pins on small signal tubes by cutting small strips of 1000-1200 grit wet/dry sandpaper and wrapping that around the pins and oscillating the paper over the pins. Really gets into all the hard to reach areas that are harder for me to reach with the steel wool method.