Mcintosh or Classe

Is Mcintosh as good as Classe? I am considering replacing my old CA-300 for a mc 402 and don't want to be disappointed. I've considered getting another classe but they don't make a model that is 300w in my budget, the closest would be 200w. The Mcintosh is 400w.
After owning Krell, Marantz, NAD, and Musical Fidelity I'm happy with my mc402. I think the older Classe' is supposed to be better than the new. The Classe' I've listened to in the dealer's didn't do anything special for me. I didn't really care for all the LCD displays they used either.
I recently bought a McIntosh MC275 (tubes), so my personal experience is not so relevant here. Nevertheless my dealer carries McIntosh and Classe. FWIW, for B&W 800 series speakers he prefers McIntosh solid state to Classe (he is a "tube-type" guy).

Still, the obvious answer is "try to audition them", if you can, that is.

My 0,002 cents.
your ca-300 is 300 watts. if you meant 400 watts, classe has a ca-400 that is 400 watts. i use to own mcintosh gear and went all classe (ca-200,cp-60,cdp-10) and love them. i do agree with wireless200 that the older classe ca-200,ca-300, ca-400 models sound better than the current models. i use a ca-200 now which i will use in mono mode when i buy another ca-200. the mac 402 are very nice amps also.
Mcintosh 402 is the one of the Best sounding power amplifiers ever designed. Does everything perfect and you will never ever be disappointed. The MC402 is the smoothest sounding power amps I've heard in the past 25 years. Fantastic dynamics and extraordinary detail and soundstage.