Krell KRC preamp question?

Can anyone tell me what the differences are between the KRC, KRC2, and KRC3 preamps? I need a back up and have decided to go with one of these. Thanks for any help.
I hope I remember correctly.

In order of quality:

KRC3 - best

The KRC-HR betters all of the above.

Thanks Richard. I guess i will try to get either the KRC3 or HR model. I have also heard the KCT is a little warmer sounding but less transparent than the KRC models. Does anyone have any opinions on this? My Krell amps (FPB-650M) do not use cast so this is not a requirement.
The information from Drrdiamond is incorrect, the Krc was their top of the line, it was replaced by the Krc-hr, both models are superior to the Krc3 or 2.
Can you give give me any sonic differences between the KRC and KRC-hr models. Also any info on how these two compare with the newer KCT preamp? (will not be using cast cables)

As you can guess the KRC2 is at the bottom of the list.

There is a debate about the KRC-3 and KRC, some like the KRC-3 and others the KRC. Depends on taste, although officially the KRC should be better. The HR is better but whether it is worth the money difference (should be less difference used)is another question.

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