Perreaux in North America

I need an opinion from you all ~ what is the level of interest in Perreaux products in the US? If their products were available through a dealer network again, how do you all think the products would be received?
I had a very good experience with a NZ company selling in the US. It was a speed control module for an electric scooter, a quite complicated piece of electronics. The company has an agent and a repair facility in the US. So it can be done.
perreaux is a great brand, but at this stage lots of great brands aren't going to crack the u.s. especially those that have been around for decades. duntech? osborne? garrott bros? go figure.
Perreaux not too long ago, had component's with ugly(think front bumper of an auto from the '50's)chromed faceplates. I wasn't inclined to listen to them while visiting on-going CES.
yep...those ugly fronts killed perreaux here for sure. they were the brainchild of a dr. seuss wannabe