Choice of preamplifier: help

Here is my system:
Power amp: EAR 890;
Preamp: Klyne SK-6;
Speakers: Quad ESL 57 (or Reference 3a DiCapo i, depending on the mood);
CD-Player: Rega Apollo;
Turntable: Denon with Denon Cartridge 103-R

I am quite happy overall, but I am thinking about upgrading the preamp. Money is not a hard constraint, but I would like to stay below or around $5K for a good used one. Considering CJ CT-6, Shindo Monbrison, new Klyne 7 series, and CAT ultimate MK2. Which one would you go for? Any other suggestions?

Just to give you a sense of my taste, I love detail and good imaging, but I also like the liquidity that even the best SS preamps cannot deliver as much as tube ones (that's why I may sell my Klyne, despite it's a very good one). Thanks.
After a few listening sessions, I can say that I prefer my Klyne to the CT6. The CT6 is a very good preamp, but I found it to be less brilliant and detailed than the Klyne is. The sonic difference between these two preamps is huge. I guess in the end it's a matter of personal taste. I am looking into the new EAR, but I am also considering the new Klyne 7 series.
Pre-owned ARC LS-25 Mk.II are selling for around $3K and should be a serious consideration.
Based on your comments on the CJ preamp, I would strongly recommend looking into both/either the Calypso and/or the AR preamps (as also referenced by AudioFeil). Both of these preamps will deliver more detail and resolution than you will typically get with the CJ. They both will be a bit less "tube" sounding, but at the same time having an excellent balance of being musical without too much softness. In my system and many other systems that I have heard these preamps in, they impart just the right amount of "tubeness" without allowing the music to become "mushy". In my opinion (ie. my preference) the result is a very good balance. But for the record, I would take extra detail and resolution over extra warmth.
Ckoffend, I think you're right about my lack of tolerance for excessive tubeness. I never tried AR equipment, despite a number of Quad aficionados told me AR is a great match with this speaker. I am also seriously considering hte new EAR. The 890 is just spectacular...if the 868 is in the same league the combination might be just stunning. It's just a bit more expensive ($6K+ with the phono stage). Finally, the guy who sold me the 890 tried a number of preamps with it and claims he obtained the best results with Shindo equipment. It's quite expensive and hard to find second hand, but it might be worth a try.