Power on tube amp without tubes?

Hi gang,

Sorry for what is likely to be the typical "stupid question"....I have a new Cary SLI-80, and the remote function stopped working....I'm checking to make sure no connections came undone, but had to remove 4 large tubes in order to set the amp upside down on its transformers....Can I power the amp on without the tubes, without harming it? This is my first tube amp....

Glad we got your attention!
Glad you are talking to Cary!! They are good people.
Good Luck, you will never go back to SS.
The practice of powering amps up to check voltages before installing tubes has always been the rule(after the initial build), and that wouldn't do any damage to the equipment. That's providing one has the experience/knowledge not to get one's-self toasted,and shorting the gear in the process. There are lethal voltages present inside the chassis. It won't hurt anything to open it up, BUT- As stated: It's good you've contacted Cary. They are great people, and build an excellent line of products(love my SLM-100s). They'll get you straightened out!