Best way to add remote volume control to tube pre.

What is the best way to add remote volume control to a high-quality tube preamp?
An inexpensive but quality
solid state preamp like a Rowland Capri in front of the tube preamp?
Something else?
I really don't want to degrade the sound too much.
Should this be done at all?
Any thoughts would be welcome.
If the pre has or can be refitted with a high-quality stepped attenuator, Bent Audio makes a nice motor-drive/infrared remote kit.
Thanks for the suggestions. It does have a stepped attenuator.
I need to think about this.
OK, thanks. Has anyone out there used the Placette in front of a preamp? Thanks.
The only signal degradation with a Placette will be via the extra interconnects/connections. I tried a Creek OBH-10 to see if my CDP had the output to drive my amps, prior to purchasing the Placette Passive Linestage. The Creek units are not transparent on a system of any real resolution(no build quality at all), but do serve well as experimental tools.