Looking for sub $1000 SS amp

I currently have a moderately high resolution system which includes Quicksilver Triode monoblocs which I love. I would like to buy a SS amp which drive for rock music. I was thinking maybe a used Belles or Mccormack? Any suggestions?
I'd second the used Odyssey - prob upgraded Stratos or Extreme. Or, maybe Emotiva? You could be just fine (and "only" out anywhere from $500 to $1K) after you crawl through the SS amps offered for sale here at Agon...
Look for a high-current amp. Harman/Kardon, Parasound, NAD would all fit the bill. And the Emotivas will surprise you, they are one of the best values in the market today...

What about a Parasound Halo? A23 is $800 list. Parasounds always have high damping factor and high current for tight extended bass, and sweet musical treble.
"Look for a high-current amp. Harman/Kardon, Parasound, NAD would all fit the bill. And the Emotivas will surprise you, they are one of the best values in the market today...


Harmon/Kardon - high current, yes, reliability lately kinda shakey.

Parasound - definitely.

NAD - for rock, not sure that is the ticket compared to these others. Not because they sound "bad", but perhaps because they sound too well rounded and "natural" - better all arounder for many music types, but without the slam of some of these others listed here.

Emotiva - no experience with this product... although it looks VERY intriguing.