Ground Loop

What is a ground loop? I understand that they can be caused by loose connections between components. What else can cause them? What are the effects? I have been told that humming from my power amplifier can be a symptom of a ground loop. True/False? Can ground loops cause damage to equpment?
Connect all chasses together, so that you have one electrical point, use large guage wire. Now use one path to earth from the chassis - i.e. one wire. This should eliminate a ground loop problem.
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Musicnoise: Please excuse the question but how do I connect the chasses together? Do I run the cable through the venting slots, tape the wire down to each component, use any method I can think of? When you say to run the wire to earth, what would be a good example of earth to connect to?
Mordenmail, you could use screws in the chassis connected to a spade. The best ground you would probably have is your wall plug ground. You could connect the final wire to the ground plug on a male ac plug. Neither the hot or the neutral should have any connection to them.

I suspect that you would have to lift the ac grounds of all of your ac cords or you would introduce a third path to ground and worse hum. I have never tried this solution.