The brasilian dealer for JRDG is located in south of Brasil. After your post I call the store in Rio de Janeiro where I bought my JRDG devices. They didn't have yet the remote control, but it was arrived in Som Maior, the brasilian dealer, and I need to wait few more days. Anyway, that's no problem, because I don't use remote control as I have a custom made wood rack with 6'2'' foot high.
Now, talking with the rep in Rio, he said the remote control WILL BE THE ONLY DEVICE I will receive, but Jeff Rowland send a little and special device to Som Maior to put some software inside the Criterion to be ready for the remote control.
A guy from Som Maior will visit all the customers in Brasil to do that. He will open the Criterion for that.
It's great, because there isn't a external receiver and a extra cable.