I could say I'm a intermediate level audhiophilo, but I'd like to share my discovery.
Before I bought the 802D I had a 803N that I keep with me. Today I was still in shock because of the 270º sound of the MBL 101E that I listen 2 days ago.
I use both channels A and B with 2 pairs of speaker cables in my Model 312 in bi-wiring. I decided to make something to improve my sound. I took my old 803N and bring to my set up. I put it beside the 802D with 50º degree.
First I disconect 1 pair of cable in the 802D and use a link cable. So I conected the disconect cable in the 803N and also use a link cable because now my both speakers are single wiring.
I turn on my set up.
Unbeliable sound. Amazing sound. The sound was in the entire room, like the MBL. Everything improve. The transparency became much better. I don't known English well to have words to explain the HUGE change.
Now I known much better what the Criterion and the 312 can do.
Sorry if what I said isn't new for the audio experts, but I'm still learning (this path is very nice, pal). I read many sections of Audiogon, and I learn with many people, as Guidocorona, Dcstep, Racquel, among others. Now I only want to change my speaker cables and XLR cables. I think Kimber Select could be a good choice.
Anyway, I recomemd you all to have a experience with 2 speakers in 45º or 50º degrees. Amazing!! I'm knocking the heaven doors.