New Rowland Criterion 2-chassis battery pre

Jeff Rowland Design has just created a page for its upcoming statement-level, twin chassis, battery powered full function preamplifier. Detail is still scant, but a little bit of info is already available, in addition to front and rear view pics. Here’s the page:
And here’s the front view:
And here’s the rear view:

You will find a few specs already on the site. JRDG should be publishing more info in the next few weeks. I will post here as I receive it. in addition to the published specs that you can read on the page above, here are a very few additional tidbits that I have learned this far:

. Uses Burr Brown TI OPA1632 high speed fully differentially balanced modules.
. Includes phono stage.
. Uses standard NiMH D-cell batteries available in most electronics stores, loaded in 2 rear-inserted tubes of power supply chassis.
. Capable of AC/DC operation . . . will recharge batteries on independent circuit during AC operation.
. Full remote control
. Target price $18K (not sure yet)
. Availability: probably early Fall 2008.
. Will be featured at RMAF in Soundings Hifi suite Marriott 503 or 505 from Oct 10th to 12th in Denver.

And sorry folks, I have not heard this device yet. Nor I have any good third party reports on its sound. Any speculations on Sonics from my part would be just. . . pure speculations. I’ll keep everyone posted as I learn more.

Macro. . . I am glad that your case of audiophrenia is milder than most. . . may I ask you about PC-1. . . how has it affected 102 and Capri? I did prefer Capri without PC-1. G.
Guido -
One of my symptoms is contentment. When I received my Rowland gear (all at once), I just hooked it all up and left it that way. I have never compared anything since. That will be two years in April.
To be honest, I have entertained thoughts many times of replacing those pieces but I like their size, looks and ergonomics so much that I an unable to mess with it.
I did read your comments about using Capri sans PC-1 and told myself I should try it but til now inertia has stood in my way. Maybe tomorrow.
I also have a 501 that I use for my center channel. It improved a lot when I got the PC-1, but was still definately behind my 301´s.
But believe me, it improved even more when I later on connected the PC-1 to my Burmester 948 which is powered by a Nordost Odin power cord!! Now I think the 501 are almost in the same league as my 301´s - got to throw in another pair of Odins I think! BTW, I think someone mentioned audiophrenia in this thread...
Yes, Audiophrenia being the most virulent known form of audiophilia nervosa. See:
Hi Guido,
Can you describe the volume control technology used for the Criterion?
I currently own the Synergy IIi - the volume control design is based on the CS3310 IC. Rowland were careful in their design to maximise the performance from this now IC.
So I am curious if Rowland has moved on to newer technology?
BTW, I really enjoy the Synergy, but hoping to upgrade in the future.
Thanks in advance.