Bell Canto VS Pass Labs

I was thinking on getting a new amp and recently told that the BC ref 1000 could compete compete with the 350.5 is this true?
Gundam I'll trade you the 350.5 for them. I would use them myself but I don't think it is enough for my 802's
26-lbs. (13-lbs x 2) vs. 150-lbs. pretty much sums it up, and believe me PASS has put that extra 124-lbs. to very good use...apples and oranges...PASS X350.5 all the way.

Very tempting! I had purchased the amp before the speakers. I was having issues with my ML 333. The capacitors had blown three times in 9 years. The service tech was candid on the phone and told me it was due mostly to a design issue with the ML 3xx series. I traded it in right after it got fixed for the Pass X350.5 A few months later, I sold my Thiel 3.6, which I had for 10 years, and bought a pair of Parsifal Encores. The order of upgrade kind of went out of sequence as I had been contemplating to change speakers for three years when all this happened.

Anyways, after I finish building the listening room, I want to get a pair of Usher BE-10s. I think I will need the X350.5 to drive those....

I actually believe the poster that said weight is a significant factor. Most of the metal goes into transformers. Unfortunately much of the wieght is in the case work. I have heard that those pretty cases account for 50% of the cost.
If the trannies Voltage capability is going to be high to give you head room its going to be heavy. That is an observation. I don't think your only consideration should be weight alone but it matters. Like the 300 BP my car has from a 3 liter engine compared with 300 HP from a 396 cubic inches is different.
As they there is no replacement for displacement.
Pass has a very fine reputation I never hear a bad word about them. Bel Canto is also highly regarded especially the 1000. I have the same problem others have mentioned however with all class D amps, to me they have a very sterile sound lacking rich, lush, fullness.