Bell Canto VS Pass Labs

I was thinking on getting a new amp and recently told that the BC ref 1000 could compete compete with the 350.5 is this true?

In that case, I would run back there and make him an insanely low offer to take the pair of junk (Pass XA60.5) off his hands.

Actually, why don't you give me his contact info, and I'll take them off his hands. Currently I have the X350.5 and it is way too much overkill for my Verity Parsifal Encore.

Gundam I'll trade you the 350.5 for them. I would use them myself but I don't think it is enough for my 802's
26-lbs. (13-lbs x 2) vs. 150-lbs. pretty much sums it up, and believe me PASS has put that extra 124-lbs. to very good use...apples and oranges...PASS X350.5 all the way.

Very tempting! I had purchased the amp before the speakers. I was having issues with my ML 333. The capacitors had blown three times in 9 years. The service tech was candid on the phone and told me it was due mostly to a design issue with the ML 3xx series. I traded it in right after it got fixed for the Pass X350.5 A few months later, I sold my Thiel 3.6, which I had for 10 years, and bought a pair of Parsifal Encores. The order of upgrade kind of went out of sequence as I had been contemplating to change speakers for three years when all this happened.

Anyways, after I finish building the listening room, I want to get a pair of Usher BE-10s. I think I will need the X350.5 to drive those....
