Audio Space amplifiers

Has anyone heard of Audio Space, and have listened to their amplifiers, namely the Audio Space Nova 34?
I heard their amps at the Audio Karma fest in Michigan. The small room setup they had sounded fantastic, pushing Gini systems LS3/5A monitors with bass modules. This is just my opinion, but I think it was one of the standout rooms of the whole show. I tend to rant and rave about a specific design feature in tube amps: adjustable global negative feedback. This is one of the features these amps have, and without it, your stuck with a feedback point that may not be optimum for your speakers. My tube integrated has this feature, and it's amazing how much difference is acheived with this adjustment. I think these relatively unknown amps are VERY good. Hope this helps.
They were on display at FSI in Montreal last April playing into a set of Harbeth mini monitors. Sources were a Scheu turntable and a Shandling cdp. One of the best sounding rooms at the show and one of the amps I'd investigate if I were to make a change in my system. Sat there quite a while just enjoying the music.
The latest issue of Affordable Audio (November 08) has a review of the Ref 3.1 integrated:
Hi, i have had Audio space amps for long time, i currently have the pre-2 and AS-6m Monos with 300b..They are damn good equipments, reliable ,well built, sound fantastic!!, cheap to buy.. i have more joy using these than my Audio research REF3 with Ref 210 that keep blowing up!!
I have Ausio Space Nova 34. Very nice for the money. I wonder which EL-34 to retube?