Audio Space amplifiers

Has anyone heard of Audio Space, and have listened to their amplifiers, namely the Audio Space Nova 34?
They were on display at FSI in Montreal last April playing into a set of Harbeth mini monitors. Sources were a Scheu turntable and a Shandling cdp. One of the best sounding rooms at the show and one of the amps I'd investigate if I were to make a change in my system. Sat there quite a while just enjoying the music.
The latest issue of Affordable Audio (November 08) has a review of the Ref 3.1 integrated:
Hi, i have had Audio space amps for long time, i currently have the pre-2 and AS-6m Monos with 300b..They are damn good equipments, reliable ,well built, sound fantastic!!, cheap to buy.. i have more joy using these than my Audio research REF3 with Ref 210 that keep blowing up!!
I have Ausio Space Nova 34. Very nice for the money. I wonder which EL-34 to retube?
Hi LUNA, as i told you before, the current production Mullards are very good tubes, or EH, they do everything very well...the stock tubes belongs in the bin!!