Class D amp with Tube Preamp Combo?

Have you ever tried a good class D/T amp & tube preamp combination? I have read their can be some occasional problems matching these together?

I was thinking of going this way to get the drive, clarity and efficiency of the switching amp combined with the warmth and full body of the tube pre amp.

What setup are you using?

My first post by the way! I have been reading this forum for the last two weeks learning about audio and what to buy for my first serious system.
I have a Modwright tube pre-amp and Bel Canto M300s driving Von Schweikert VR-4. The IC runs are 15 feet. I have had no problems whatsoever. I contacted both Bel Canto and Dan Wright prior to purchase and they both assurred me that it would be fine. They were correct. It is a beautiful combination and trouble-free. You do have to match the impedances. Contact the manufacturer if in doubt. For instance, Upscale Audio did not recommend the Prima Luna tube pre-amp with the M300s because of impedance mis-matching. Good luck
If you can get a good impedence match, use balanced IC runs and the amps have good RFI/EMI rejection, then it can work very nicely. The Bel Canto is one good choice. Also look at Jeff Rowland Design Group and Spectral for amps that do all the above.

I have the Supratek Chenin tube preamp (modified to use 7193 tubes instead of 6SN7) running into the Gilmore Raven Class D amp, powering Zu Druids/Mini Method sub. I think it sounds great! Crisp, clean and very powerful.