Hi Larry, yes the device was very likely a 302. I have heard it a couple of times, driven by an aRC Ref 3 in both occasions. 302 was JRDG 1st gen switching amp with internal PFC. . . not bad for a first attempt, but I also observed some of the problems you found: only very moderate macro and micro dynamics, and a treble that was not too extended. These problems are solved completely by its successor--the current 312 model. Conversely, a clearly anomalous/strange sound in the treble region was probably caused by insufficient breakin or warm up. Switching amps seem to be total bears and may require well over 1000 hrs of playtime to break in. . . or at least the JRDG 312 and NuForce V9SE definitely do. The symptom seemed to me of a treble that sounds almost harmonically disjointed from the rest of the audible spectrum, and disconcertingly displeasing to boot. . . but the issue goes away completely with proper break in and warm up. . . it's just an unusual temporary artifact of these devices.