Class D amp with Tube Preamp Combo?

Have you ever tried a good class D/T amp & tube preamp combination? I have read their can be some occasional problems matching these together?

I was thinking of going this way to get the drive, clarity and efficiency of the switching amp combined with the warmth and full body of the tube pre amp.

What setup are you using?

My first post by the way! I have been reading this forum for the last two weeks learning about audio and what to buy for my first serious system.
What, no class D bashing? Have we finally arrived?

IMO Jwarmbrand's suggestion is more to the point. With class D the question isn't so much tube or solid state it's getting as much off the grid as possible. My Nuforce SE's took on a much fuller and more quiet presentation when I replaced an upgraded A I 3A with my current battery powered pre.

Unfortunately the resolution and transparency offered by many class D designs is often misdiagnosed as sterile or forward. My system benefited greatly from a new metal clad conduit, dedicated AC line, and from mass loading the SE's casework with some DIY sandbags. Addressing the vibration and the AC should be seriously considered before applying the tube preamp band aid.

All my vacuum tubes have now migrated from the back end to the front. The output section of my ModWright/Denon player is tube driven as is my FM tuner. There is no substitution for the effect tubes can have on an audio system and I haven't heard any solid state or class D product that sounds like tubes. Likewise, I haven't heard a tube system that sounds like a well executed class D system.

I have heard noise at low listening levels from the four tube preamps I auditioned in my system. Not that big of a deal and the noise wasn't an issue at louder levels. I think there is a battery powered tube preamp, Dodd?
"What, no class D bashing? Have we finally arrived?"

Vicdamone, I've been there for a spell. . . as far as I am concerned class D is one more perfectly legitimate amplification technology, like everything else replete with the bad, the good. . . and the ugly. G.
"Addressing the vibration and the AC should be seriously considered before applying the tube preamp band aid"

Vicdamone i concur big time with your statement above. I'm not using sandbags but i am addressing vibrations also as well as AC and the improvements are very audible for sure.

Any one who bashes any gear is a fool. There is enough equipment out there for all to find enjoyment and as we all hear differently who cares what type of gear blows your skirt up. We are all in this for musical enjoyment i suspect and the way you get it done is your musical happiness business. I"ve had some interesting volleys with some bashers in the past dealing with gear. Hell its your ears and money listen to what pleases you.
After my earlier concern expressed in the earlier post on 26/7/08 , I continue to log long hours with Supratek Chenin tube pre + Bel Canto Ref 1000 combintion. After 2 weeks,the ICE power amp sound has changed quite a lot.
I was initially told they've about 200 hours on them but the seller later said they would be lucky to have 50 hours playing time before i got them. Hmmm..
I later emailed Mick Maloney and he clarified that Chenin output impedance is actully 200 ohm , not 600 ohm i stated earlier and with the 20 kohm balance input impedance of the BC Ref 1000 matching should not be an issue.

As for the sound, the veiled, congested and rolled off sound i heard a few weeks ago has definitely disappeared. The top end has more sparkle and instrument separation is better now. These changes are not that subtle to my ears. I could hear some graininess in the HF region from a few recordings again and i certainly hope this won't get more pronouced as i can't stand sibilant sound. It's not all rosy though as another impression i get is the bass is just a bit plodding and PRAT could be better relative to my old amp. Over the two and half week period, i did put my Bryston 4BSST back in 3 times just to compare and confirm my impression.

I think burn in is definitely real with these ICE power amplifier.I was all ready to sell them 2 weeks ago but now i think they could be long term keeper. May be..