Class D amp with Tube Preamp Combo?

Have you ever tried a good class D/T amp & tube preamp combination? I have read their can be some occasional problems matching these together?

I was thinking of going this way to get the drive, clarity and efficiency of the switching amp combined with the warmth and full body of the tube pre amp.

What setup are you using?

My first post by the way! I have been reading this forum for the last two weeks learning about audio and what to buy for my first serious system.
Hi Guidocorona,

Thank you for your confirmation. It took me a while, at least a few weeks for the sound to mature and probably a few months to where its at currently.

Audiophiles are an impulsive bunch and not the most patient. I am also one. Luckily, this time, I stuck around and am being rewarded. Many who did not have successful integration with their systems didn't give it the proper time and a bit of care in priming the unit to the rest of their system. In my case, I didn't discover its magic until I got rid of hard spiky cones and other detailed-wrenching isolation bases (and replaced with softer, more balanced ones) from the rest of my components. Turned out the NuForce amp itself had that in spades and needed no help in that area. A bit of warmth from cabling or upstream sources will nicely balance its inherent attributes and allow it to play music the way its intended.

Best regards,

Hi Kenobi. You're absolutely correct about hard spiky cones (been there, done that). The NuForce feet are definitely good just by themselves. I found, however, in my system I was looking for a more "soft" presentation. I installed some Bright Star Audio Isonodes (the large ones) under the fixed feet of the NuForce amps. Mainly because I had them lying around. They gave me just what I was looking for!
As I've said many times, I'm not trying to trash your systems. You love them and that's great for you.
The NuForce problem I had was due to RF emission, I am sure of that. I used a heavily broken in demo unit that had hundreds of hours of use on it, so I don't think it was a break-in issue. Maybe the demo system I had was defective, who knows. It was certainly much worse sounding than either of the other amps I auditioned, and it caused a noticable rise in my system's background moise level just by inserting it into the loop.
Yoby i have gone around the block with different footers for my Nuforce amps. I have found Mapleshades brass footers tighten up imaging and just help produce a sound a like better than the rest. Amazing how just a small part of a system can make a large difference in your systems musical presentation. Thats why you need to experiment so you can hear a difference good or bad.

Ait no doubt about it early Nuforce amps had a big RF problem that is well documented. As someone who has gone the upgrade route from standard ref 9 to SE to V2 i never experienced any RF or other problems except a loose connection on the last upgrade that was handled by Nuforces fine customer service dept very quickly. I dont have a tuner so maybe thats the reason for no RF issues. Nuforce has claimed that the RF problem has been resolved.
Bottom line if you are happy in music now thats all that matters.

I have no issue if you are happy with your Gilmore amp. Just don't over generalize it by saying that it, quote: "In my evaluation, the Gilmore blew the NuForce Ref 9 SE V2 completely and utterly out of the water." w/o a caveat that it may not be representative of a perfectly functioning unit.

Also, the fact that the Nuforce had RF issue in your system means that your system isn't compatible with the amp. However, you weren't willing to investigate further to alleviate the noise before your auditioning, or get another sample to try. But instead went on to trash the amp the way you did. Fact is, nobody here but yourself mentioned noise issues with Nuforce for this latest V2 version means your experience is an aberation, not the norm. If you made mention of the noise issues, nobody would question your assessment under such condition.

Happy listening,
