I have no issue if you are happy with your Gilmore amp. Just don't over generalize it by saying that it, quote: "In my evaluation, the Gilmore blew the NuForce Ref 9 SE V2 completely and utterly out of the water." w/o a caveat that it may not be representative of a perfectly functioning unit.
Also, the fact that the Nuforce had RF issue in your system means that your system isn't compatible with the amp. However, you weren't willing to investigate further to alleviate the noise before your auditioning, or get another sample to try. But instead went on to trash the amp the way you did. Fact is, nobody here but yourself mentioned noise issues with Nuforce for this latest V2 version means your experience is an aberation, not the norm. If you made mention of the noise issues, nobody would question your assessment under such condition.
Happy listening,
I have no issue if you are happy with your Gilmore amp. Just don't over generalize it by saying that it, quote: "In my evaluation, the Gilmore blew the NuForce Ref 9 SE V2 completely and utterly out of the water." w/o a caveat that it may not be representative of a perfectly functioning unit.
Also, the fact that the Nuforce had RF issue in your system means that your system isn't compatible with the amp. However, you weren't willing to investigate further to alleviate the noise before your auditioning, or get another sample to try. But instead went on to trash the amp the way you did. Fact is, nobody here but yourself mentioned noise issues with Nuforce for this latest V2 version means your experience is an aberation, not the norm. If you made mention of the noise issues, nobody would question your assessment under such condition.
Happy listening,