tubes with b&w

My system is Consonance droplet CD, Rotel RB-1080, and B&W 804's. I have a largish room and am looking to upgrade my amp. I was looking for a fuller, more immediate sound and was wondering if anybody would recomend tubes. Would tubes be a good match with b&w? 5k is the limit new or used

Had B&W matrix 804's used Conrad Johnson MV 52 and later their Premier 11a both to good account. Tubes adn B&W go good together
I would recommend a solid state amp, matched with a tubed preamp. That is what I have been using with my N803s for years now.

For the past 2 years I am enjoying my speakers paired with Pass Labs X250.5 amplifier. I had an Audio Research LS-25 preamplifier, Audio Research Reference One, and now have BAT VK-51SE. Tube preamps is all that's needed. I'd concentrate on the best solid state amp, but pair it with a tubed pre.

Keep in mind, B&Ws have warm and full midrange. This is their trait. If you are going with a tube amp for B&Ws, you need to be familiar with the sonic signature of that particular amp and you have to make sure it provides adequate power for your speakers.

Another option may be a hybrid amp, such as Moscode 401HR or one of the Blue Circle amplifiers. I'd still pair those with a tubed pre though, but one that is neutral.
I have 803Ss with a MAC SS amp and preamp. I found that the addition of a good tube DAC really made an enormous difference (Tube Audio Design DAC with French Mazda tubes).