whats the best addition u have bought for system

just wondering what u added that really made a difference. i have low end stuff but im learning. pioneer elite 39tx reciever, psb stratus golds. tara interconnects wireworld atlantis bi wires, so basically i have a cdp, reciever and speakers. what would be your next move im thinkin some kinda amp, conditioner, new speaker wires; obviously im confused and learning. thanks alot kevin
The best addition I have made to my system was buying a Pair of SP Technology speakers.
Evaluate your listening enviorment and begin educating yourself about room treatments. I recently moved into a dedicated listening room and the addition of GIK room treatments and Echobusters in the ceiling corners make BY FAR a bigger difference than any single piece of gear. Go to their websites and that will get you started. The untreated room is reflective with a confused soundstage and is harsh to the point of being unlistenable. The treated enviornment has brought the musicians into the room for a listening experience I find difficult to pull myself away from. The frequency range is balanced, soundstage wide and deep, yet precise. NO harshness just natural sounding music that I can enjoy for hours. The importance of room treatments cannot be overstated, only after that you will be able to truly appreciate any equipment upgrades you make. Good luck and remember to have fun.
how do u bi amp without a amp? i am using the 39tx as 2 channel only. the sound doesnt fill the room at all. just sound loud. i have the psb silver i speakers now am picking up the golds next week. hoping to help a bit. i have a pioneer elite dv 37 dvd player for my cdp. have a nad c541 coming this week. im so confused it seems like i a ok equipment just sounds like a boom box. my local shops are snobby and if you dont show them the black card they look at u like ur stupid. please help thanx for the replies.
Boom box sounds like a better description of an untreated room than the one I gave you in the above response. Do yourself a favor and contact gikacoustics.com. Tame the room reflections or any money you spend will be wasted.