Pure class A amplifiers = "slow" amplifiers?

Hi folks, I know this is subject of controversy. In general pure class A has been regarded as the best way in solid state amplification to get the purest sound. In my experience many pure class A solid state amplifiers (Accuphase, Pass Labs, Plinius) sound "slow" and are lacking "dynamics". Do they sound that way because they have less distortion than class A/B amplifiers, I mean sometimes a signal is so pure that one is increasing the volume adjustment knob to get a louder sound. With a very pure sound it seems like music goes slower too (= psychoacoustic phenomenon).

Johnk...Although Maggies aren't high efficiency speakers, they do have very small diaphragm excursion, and I believe this may be a lot of the reason they sound good. When I designed a cone driver subwoofer system to go with my Maggies a prime criteria was minimal cone excursion. What happens to the typical subwoofer cone is obscene!! I ended up with three subwoofer systems, for my three front channels, each including a 15" driver and a 12" driver. I get very strong bass with quite modest cone excursion.
I spent over a decade with dipoles most models including maggies. For me HI-EFF been the better sound. Now with HI-EFF ribbons about this frees up design. I have a few med to hi-eff hybrid ribbon loudspeakers about. Gives the best of both worlds. No need for HI-Eff to be all horn but still my mains for now are giant 3 way front horns. Ive built a few bass systems for Maggie, ML, SL, Quad owners and the fostex 31.5in is the best I heard matched to 20.1 3.6 and other electrostatics.31.5 can be used in OB so dipole bass. But very large and costly...No free lunch. I have also used 31.5 with oris 250 fostex f200a a few dif ribbons and comp tweeters set up as OB even mid horn is dipole but -6db down over front and to me;) a good step up from the maggies and other electrostatics Ive owned mess about with for customers. I do hear why folks enjoy the maggie sound you can build good systems arround them. As with all things YMMV,and we all dont have the same tastes.
Johnk...Fostex 31.5 = cone area!
Also, Fostex 31.5 = $2535.75
as of April 07. Probably more now.
At least you didnt look at the fostex w400a hr price. Iam working out a design using these with a ribbon;) in a 2 way......
JohnK I respectfully disagree. Under-powered loudspeakers tend to lack dynamics. Different speakers have different amplification requirements. There are pros and cons for each speaker design. I have yet to hear highly sensitive loudspeakers that perform to my satisfaction.