Best budget phono preamp for Unison Unico?


I was fortunate enough to buy a Unison Unico hybrid integrated amp here on Audiogon at a great price ($800). :-)

I'm driving a set of Totem Arro speakers. And I have a SOTA Sapphire TT currently being refurbished at the SOTA factory.

Since this Unico doesn't have the built in phono stage, I need an outboard unit. When I say "budget," I mean $250 or less, ideally. I was considering the Cambridge unit that goes for $169... the reviews look good. Any other suggestions? I'm not sure whether I'll be using MM or MC in in the tone arm. All I know is that the 20-year-old Audioquest cartridge needs replacing! ;-)

Musical Surroundings Phonomena can be had used at your budget and will load virtually any cart you ever may want to run. I run one with my SOTA.
Why don't you see if you can have the optional phono stage installed in the Unico? I think you could have bought one with the phono stage for an additional cost of what you're going to spend on an outboard phono stage.
In lieu of that, you ought to stick with tubes. The Bellari is a tube phono that retails for $250. There's one up on audiogon for $185.
The Antique Sound Labs Mini Phono is an overachiever. There's one on audiogon for $300. There's one listed on The Canuck Audio Mart for $160: