Audio Research LS 12 Preamp Characteristics?

Does anyone have experience with the Audio Research LS 12 solid state linestage preamp? How are the depth, staging, extreme high and low frequency extensions, clarity, detail, dynamics, midrange, and 3 dimensional/holographic spatial characteristics?
Sonically, the LS12 is truly one of the best preamps ever made. No, it is does not have the best clarity (almost the best), detail (almost the best), dynamics (almost the best), midrange (almost the best), depth (very good), staging (very good), and low frequency extention (almost the best). However it has few peers and the peers that it does have are much much more expensive.
Etbaby - very well put; I completely agree with your assessment. I've only heard the LS12 in other systems but if someone was to give me one I certainly wouldn't complain (I would be in hog heaven).
I have had mine for about 6 years now. Previous pre amp was a Threshold SL-10. Have listened to a number of pre amps over the years and there are very few that are as musical as the LS-12 and fewer yet that are more musical.I use the ARC PH3SE phono stage. What amazes me is the bottom octave. It is solid. So my comments differ a little bit from the above on the bass. I like this combo very very much. I will give SMC's line stage a chance sometime in the future but thats about it. Have always liked ARC pre amps over the years.