Vincent Audio

Does anyone have experience with this company or their equipment? I recently saw amps and pre-amps from them and was wondering.
I am not really sure about Vincent. Never heard them myself but I have mixed feelings about them. Some of the stories I heard are to good to be true. I read stories the people where replacing top power amps for the SP996.
But it may be worth the gamble.
I have a hybrid CD player and a hybrid integrated amp made by Shengya, the Chinese company that makes the equipment for Vincent. They are excellent pieces and built very well. They also go under the name of Kavent.
i own a vincent cd s6. it uses three tubes, a 12ax7, a 6922 and a 12au7 for the headphone.

it is a typical 24/96 modern tube sounding component. there is some tube sensitivity.

i am having the metal film resistors replaced as well as the solen and other caps.