Best sounding Krell ?

Let's say I had $4k for a power amp. and was looking at used Krell power amps. Which Krell would you consider the best sounding of all the different models in the last 10 years? Of course this is all subjective but based on midrange, bass and all the other attributes we audiophools crave.
"I talk to dozens of customers and potential customers every week and virtually nobody mentions Krell."

No doubt you don't sell Krell, HUH??

No wonder store sales in this business have dwindled.....
Oh and Burmester, Mark Levinson (now owned by a huge impersonal corporation that can't even spec an amp into 2 Ohms anymore!) and about VALUE?!?!?!?

Have you looked at the prices of those manufacturers recently? And you call that VALUE? Yikes you have to be kidding if you think for a moment we will swallow that one.
Audiofeil, I have owned some of the other companies products you have mentioned and enjoyed them. I don't just like krell, but I do respect alot of their work...plain and simple. I did not attack you, I was reaching out to suggest that we all like what we like, so live and let buy!! I gathered you were a Lennon fan and it seemed strange to me that someone who regards him enough to use an imagine memorial logo on his website would be such a thick headed ..well you get the idea. You have now chosen to make it personal with the condescending remarks and blanket statements about the industry. You run an alternative shop to some extent, and I wish you luck. I think you sell some interesting gear and would possibly be interested in buying something from you at some future time. My problem is with your arrogance. Let people champion their own gear and you champion yours. Don't give us the George Carlin "THE MAN" is running things speech, trying to paint the entire industry as working in concert to mislead the people. Talk about conspiracy nuts!! I'm sorry, but Jonathan Valin and Robert Harley are worthy of genuine respect, as are many others who would disagree with your view on the High End.
Anyway, I was just listening to one of my Ondine SACD recordings of the Philadelphia Symphony on my "Desoto" aka 400xi. I was in the audience for some of these recording sessionans and man O man does my Krell and MIT system sound like the Kimmel center:) Tommorrow I will try an MIT Oracle AC2 PC on my 400xi ($3995)...yeah, you may say I'm a dreamer...but I'm not the only one! Or am I???
>>Don't give us the George Carlin "THE MAN" is running things speech, trying to paint the entire industry as working in concert to mislead the people.<<

Those are your words not mine first of all.

Second, I have a much clearer understanding of the audio business and how it works than you Dave. Don't kid yourself. This business is not unlike any other business i.e. it is not squeaky clean if you will.

My point was not to believe all you read and hear whether it be in the audio mags, New York Times, CNN, etc.

You know Dave, everybody has a right to misunderstand the issues but you abuse the privelege.