Your a salesman. It is not beneath you to pump and dump to suit your livelihood.
It is funny that the customer is always right only when you are able to convince him to buy something you are selling. Tell me if customer after customer came in asking about Krell, you wouldn't sway your opinion?
When I want a real unbiased opinion on anything, the last person I ask is a salesman. I trust you also do the same.
I like what I like, just like many here on this forum. Bashing what I like because you can't make a dime off me really gives me caccapants.
Your a salesman. It is not beneath you to pump and dump to suit your livelihood.
It is funny that the customer is always right only when you are able to convince him to buy something you are selling. Tell me if customer after customer came in asking about Krell, you wouldn't sway your opinion?
When I want a real unbiased opinion on anything, the last person I ask is a salesman. I trust you also do the same.
I like what I like, just like many here on this forum. Bashing what I like because you can't make a dime off me really gives me caccapants.