Best sounding Krell ?

Let's say I had $4k for a power amp. and was looking at used Krell power amps. Which Krell would you consider the best sounding of all the different models in the last 10 years? Of course this is all subjective but based on midrange, bass and all the other attributes we audiophools crave.
"It isn't always "monster profits" - high quality furniture with high quality finish costs money even if a chair is still a chair when you sit on it."

Given the choice to sit in a Lawn Chair or an Eames Chair, I know what I would choose. But lets not get to crazy on your concept. I understand your point, but an amp is a bit different than a chair.

As far as audio gear, I think people first like the sound, then the looks comes second. Those that believe the opposite are most likely just passing through this hobby.

Some manufacturers, like Rowland, Pass Labs, Manley, etc manage to achieve both. Beautiful sounding gear with looks that do not disappoint.

My wife hates big speakers, until she saw my Magnepans. Come to think of it, an Eames Lounge Chair would look perfect flanked by my maggies. They looks so perfect together. Too bad at over $3000, the Eames chair would dwarf the cost of my gear.

Thank you.

All kidding aside boys and squirrels, I have been on this monster Class A Kick of late. Probably why I like the old Krell KSA series, Pass Alephs, and a few others. I would guess over 95% of the amps out there are Class AB, and just don't sound as sweet. Of course these Class A amps won't be winning any efficiency awards anytime soon.

Although a few AB'ers like older Naim (NAPs) stick out as very nice sounding too.