classic sounding 25 watt tube amp

i am purchasing a pair of quad 57s from quads unlimited. i am looking for a 20-25 watt per channel amp, which sounds like a dyna stereo 70, but is in current production.

i have been going to ces for 14 years and have not heard the "classic" tube sound from any currently produced amp.

perhaps the quciksilver minimite will do. any other ideas ?

VAS also reps Cayin 860 tubed mono blocks which I have and use for my Merlin VSMs. Reportedly modeled after the classic Marantz 9 power amp. I don't see them mentioned very often but imho they offer incredible bang for the $$$..(point to point wiring, solid chassis, massive transformers, etc). +/-35 watts in Triode mode, 70 watts ultraliner. EL34, KT 88 or 6550 driver tubes can be used.

I have a pair bought new last year that I had Sonic Craft provide a bunch of upgrade mods for (SC caps, Cardas caps, Black gates, discrete rectifiers, etc) and NOS Mullard tubes, etc. They are really sweet.

You can find out more details at Acoustic Sounds website as they sell them and had them in one of their demo rooms with Harbeth speakers. If you may be interested ping me a pm as I am considering selling these.

Dynaco ST-70 is in current production if you get one of the many new units made today. Most of which are much improved over the original design.

John C.
Just take a look at the new Dehavilland Model 50,a classic "new/old" mono amp,based on a fabulous Fisher design of yore.Yet,this time with all new componentry.

This is a 40 watt design,but I'll bet is fabulous.

Good luck
The Music Reference RM10 is the best 25-35 watt tube amp I have heard. Is it the best? Who knows. A very fine amp that also has the benefit of being extremely reliable and VERY easy on tubes (8-10,000 hours). This amp is in the neutral camp, so if you are looking for lush; this would do it for you. It also works very well with passive preamps, so it could make for a fairly low priced system with first rate sound.
I haven't personally heard this combination, but the Audio Note P2 SE (18 wpc) is reputed to be an excellent match with the Quad ESL-57 speakers.

I can vouch that the P2 SE is very reliable amplifier as I have owned one since 1995 with never a problem.