Good integrated amp for Paradigm Studio 40?

Just got my Studio 40 v2s, now looking for an integrated amp (sub $1k used) to match with them. any suggestions?
I used a Musical Fidelity A300 integrated with them and had great results. The A300 has a nice full bodied sound that works well with the 40's.
how about Bel Canto S300? does it sound good with the Paradigms? how does it compare with the MF A300 and Genon? thanks for the suggestions.
If you are looking at the Bel Canto S-300i you should also look at the PS Audio Trio C-100. I'm using the modified version offered by Underwood Hifi. It's a basic integrated that runs cool with a very open sound.
I previously owned the Paradigm Studio 60s but it's been a while.