Integrateds: Warm sounding SS vs Hybrid

I have recently had Bryston B60 and Unison Unico amps. They each had their strengths. Overall I liked the Unico better, its more forward, fuller sound and a wider soundstage, due to its tube preamp. However, I wasn't enamored with the tube hiss I was getting, I realize that there might have been a problem with the amp, but I have read about others having this problem. With no music playing, or very quiet passages in classical music, the hiss could be heard from the listening position6-8 feet away.

I have read reviews of some SS amps where their sound is described as "tube-like".

My questions are:

1) Has anyone who had owned tubed gear heard a SS integrated that sounds like tubes?

2) Was my experience with Unison tube hiss likely due to faulty gear/tubes, etc?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
I've had a couple tube integrated amps over the years, a Consonance M100 plus and Jolida 1501, and my Onkyo A-9555, eventhough it is completely solid-state, has a nice tube-like warmth to it once it has completely broken in. You might give it a listen.
I haven't had a tube integrated but have had a solid state/tube hybrid integrated. (LSA Signature). I would say you might want to try the Plinius 9200 which I also owned and has a tubelike quality.