Krell KAV400 VS Musical Fidelity A300 A 3.2 A3.5

I could not find any threads dedicated to this seemingly obvious comparison.
Both SS integrated amps. Both a easily available in US and from Audiogon.
Both have plenty of power.

However my question is : For Classical and Jazz which one would be your preference and why?
I listen only to LPs if it matters.
Thank you.
I appreciate your responses.
Yes, the 400xi doubles it's power output into 4ohms. It's very odd when someone attacks a brand so feverishly. Especially when the attacks are broad baseless remarks. I like the 400xi at it's price point. Any number of other products exist that can generate great sound as well. What's the problem? Components are only as good as the system and environment allow...just as many people will line up to praise one component as another. Audiofeil is all about Audiofeil and whatever his inventory holds. FYI, several reviews of the 400xi have been done over the years...check them out and listen for yourself. If you don't like it then go elsewhere. DKzzzz seems suspicious to me based upon the lack of detail put forward in his rantings. Normal individuals who review something explain their results, mention how they used a component and even note what music helped them to make a decision. I believe DKzzzz owned or owns Sonus Faber speakers..funny he should bad mouth them. By the way, the Krell KAV400xi offers unprecedented power and control for it's class with a pure Class A pre-driver stage, Current Analog Signal Transfer, a massive toroidal power supply, fully balanced circuitry, surface mount circuit design and remote operation...gee, I geuss it isn't innovative at all is it! I'm sure some standard old fashioned, underpowered, conventional tube unit from some online hack would be far more innovative.
Dave I forgot to list the cables that I used with krell. They are copper 16AWG. Do you think that might be a problem? Do I need to use something like "Super braided anaconda triple jaguar cables"? Or "Viking Axe Armageddon transparent" power extension cord?
I would take Audio refinement Complete amp over Krell any time of the day. Krell KAV400 with all its useless power consumption and output has no meat in its sound. High pitch treble and happy bass cover everything in between. Listen to orchestral works on it you hear bass and soloist the orchestra is a moshpit. Well this is a typical Home-theater sound. Actually Krell states their application goals for Krell KAV400 right in the manual. While you running to read it please don't skip a big paragraph where Krell has a special message for you Dave about powercords. They should have put it in red block letters for audioprofessors like you.
Dave, your callous disregard of DKzzzz's findings and name calling are the issues here, not my inventory. That is totally irrelevant and not germane to the thread.

Your attempt to dismiss what he hears as folly only reflects the myopic and narrow minded view you have regarding high end audio.

As I stated earlier, audiophiles have wised up and moved away from the overpriced and overrated brand you coddle and find so interesting. If you had the opportunity to hear and audition as much gear as I do in a week's or month's time you'd understand more clearly.

Instead you sit back and continue to believe your Desoto is the only transportation on the road.

Go figure.
One further note for the record...I have been one of the biggest critics of krell here on A'gon, but I am fair minded enough to give quarter when it is warranted.
>>I have been one of the biggest critics of krell here on A'gon<<

Not true.

You've been one of the biggest cheerleaders.

Also with MIT and Transparent.

Check the posting history.