Krell KAV400 VS Musical Fidelity A300 A 3.2 A3.5

I could not find any threads dedicated to this seemingly obvious comparison.
Both SS integrated amps. Both a easily available in US and from Audiogon.
Both have plenty of power.

However my question is : For Classical and Jazz which one would be your preference and why?
I listen only to LPs if it matters.
Thank you.
I appreciate your responses.
Elberoth2, I did further investigation with krell and there are multiple oversized polypropelyne capacitors in the ACT crossovers of the Resolution series speakers for maximum current handling and power delivery...happens to lower inductance as well. Do not capacitors store energy?

Surprises me from your description of what you are looking for that you did not care for the Krell at all. Maybe just lack of not a good fit with the rest of your system? No blown tweeters or anything like that right?

This is a just speculation. As I mentioned in the other thread, I think a trip to Sound By Singer which I am familiar with and/or even Stereo Exchange from what I've heard in lower Manhattan is the best solution. There has to be something there that can fit the bill. You should plan to spend time listening to the recordings you are not happy with on a system similar to yours, hear what you hear, and then determine where to go from there.
Dkzzzz, it is spelled Ayre and it is a fine product even though it's power rating is low. Very transparent and fairly dynamic with a neutral presentation. The 400xi is bolder, more dynamic and extended with tons more drive and a sense of "you are there" like none other near it's price range...several reviewers who have managed to set their units up properly have agreed:)
I did some homework on capacitance, inductance and energy storage in electrical devices (such as crossovers) and cables. Even conventional cables store energy, as do crossovers...ENERGY!! The musical signal is in the form of a flow of electrons, which tend to build up potential energy within devices (crossovers) and cables...even under normal, non-networked(MIT cables) or high capacitance crossover design (Krell ACT), conditions. In other words, Audiofeil's slam of my understanding regarding energy storage or anything else audio for that matter, is an expression of arrogance and ignorance. Being old and an owner of an audio distribution outlet does not equate with valuable advice or knowledge apparently. Next time you slam someone or dismiss them out of hand, make sure you have first hand knowledge or experience with a product or concept! Now pick out a select qoute from the archives and then offer a vague condescending rebuke (minus anything substantive of course).