Preamp or Receiver?

I currently have a pretty simple system in the office composed of:

Technics turntable – Bellari vp129 phono preamp – Quad 12L Active Monitors.

That being said, I can't currently run my computer/or iPod through speakers, and wanted to get a preamp or a receiver.

I was under the impression that since my speakers already have built-in amps, that I needed to get a preamp and that a receiver would be somewhat of a waste. The receiver option was suggested because I didn't have an exorbitant amount of money to spend on a preamp.

I would like to get some good feedback on this, as well as suggestions on good brands and perhaps some good preamps for 700 or less.

I had a previous thread on this subject, but figured I would clarify exactly what I'm trying to do. Thanks.
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Not only will a receiver help out, it will most likely have a better volume control than the Bellari. You may even get to hook up a tuner or cd to boot!
If it were me, I'd go for an Anthem TLP-1. Awesome preamp with a tuner built in.