
Responses from bdogsquad

Best Vacuum tube for Bellari VP129
Thanks. I may try that Mullard out. Wonder what the life is supposed to be with these? 
Speaker Hum on my Quad 12L Active's
Ok. This all makes sense. I have wanted to go back to XLR cables and I might have to look into a DAC/ or Preamp at some point.I wanted to also bring up the fact that I have a turntable in the mix and when I use go from the turntable to my phono pr... 
Speaker Hum on my Quad 12L Active's
When you say power cords, you're talking about the individual cords for the two speakers right? Currently, I have the Airport Express, the two speakers, a preamp and a turntable all plugged into a powerstrip in that's plugged into a wall socket ac... 
My office setup
So I've taken the Parasound out of the equation. I gotta say, that I really didn't need it. The computer sounds better, and the records sound just as good as they did before. Only problem now is playing records and then switching to play stuff fro... 
My office setup
Ok, I think that makes sense about trying to go directly from the AE to my active speakers. At least I can see if that takes care of my distortion issue. I got the Preamp in the first place because I also use my office system to records on my Rega... 
My office setup
Thanks guys. You are right Sfar, I am going wirelessly to my Airport Express. I didn't know that it had a internal DAC. I will look into getting an external DAC. Do most come with this Toslink input that you're referring to? 
Connecting my turntable to Quad 12L Active speaker
Since I started this thread, I connected everything like I specified above, but my speakers started crackling and popping. It's like the Bellari is causing this to happen. Again, I am connecting my turntable to my phono preamp, and connecting my g... 
Preamp or Receiver?
Thanks guys. Also, does anyone have any thoughts on PS Audio's P200? 
Bookshelf speaker suggestions for Office
My thoughts are for now to buy the speakers and phono pre amp.1. Quad 12Ls2. Bellari VP129Was also wondering what speaker cables to get. There was a suggestion to use Van den Hul's Snowline 14awg cable. Once again, I appreciate all the suggestions. 
Bookshelf speaker suggestions for Office
Thanks for the suggestions. I am trying to fill the entire office which is 10' X 16'. I also want to primarily listen to vinyl. That being said, I was interested in possibly buying a better used record player, as well as monitor speakers. Also, my...