Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.
Here's an interesting option to consider, the Coincident Turbo 845. It was given a rave review on 6 Moons(and other sites as well) recently and has roughly the same power(28 watts) as the others amps you've mentioned recently. 845 output tube with 300b as the driver tube. Imagine this amp using Elrog 845 and their 300b, could be 'very special' for a very reasonable cost. Just another idea to for more SET power for those Tannoys.
Hi Charles, yes I do get your drift. What is interesting though is Jack Roberts uses a Lowther based Single driver speakers which has a sensitivity of 102db. That speaker probably one of the most ideal candidate for SET which Jack was already using yet it got replaced by a 30.8. Secondly Jack did not feel the SIT monoblocks were an upgrade over his SET but the 30.8 was. These are intriguing stuff. If I could get to audition a 30.8 I could really make a spot decision.

Thanks for the pointer over the 845 based Coincident amp. Interestingly I heard a similar amp made by Line Magnetic audio. It also uses 300B as the driver tubes. However, the 845 character was dominant in the LM amp.
Hello all.

This discussion is just what I am looking for. I want to upgrade my tubes and these two appear to be the best options.

This discussion seems to be about using these tubes in Wavac and Frankenstein amps.

Does anyone have experience using either of these tubes in Cary 211 series amps?

I don't have the Takatsuki's, so this post is possibly off-topic. But I do have the Elrog 300Bs (third production series), and the EML 300B-XLS, so maybe my remarks are of some tangential interest. First observation about the Elrogs: they are dead quiet; second: huge bass (which is not generally a characteristic of 300Bs). There is no denying the XLS's power, however, their effortless handling of transients, and silky midrange. Well... a tough call, both are most excellent valves, and certainly outclass any Russian glass. In my system they drive Tannoy Lockwoods (about 94db), so power is not really the issue. On balance I guess I tip towards the Elrogs for refinement and ease of listening. But if I put on the Wagner... it's got to be XLS.