Here's an interesting option to consider, the Coincident Turbo 845. It was given a rave review on 6 Moons(and other sites as well) recently and has roughly the same power(28 watts) as the others amps you've mentioned recently. 845 output tube with 300b as the driver tube. Imagine this amp using Elrog 845 and their 300b, could be 'very special' for a very reasonable cost. Just another idea to for more SET power for those Tannoys.
Here's an interesting option to consider, the Coincident Turbo 845. It was given a rave review on 6 Moons(and other sites as well) recently and has roughly the same power(28 watts) as the others amps you've mentioned recently. 845 output tube with 300b as the driver tube. Imagine this amp using Elrog 845 and their 300b, could be 'very special' for a very reasonable cost. Just another idea to for more SET power for those Tannoys.