Wavac SET tube amps with different output tube

Hi. Wavac have different levels(MD,EC,HE and SH) of their SET power amps.Anybody heard them and how good are MD-805MkII 60W mono blocks with separate PS in comparison to HE-805 50W stereo amps and to HE-833Ver 1.3 150W mono blocks.
My speakers have 95dB sensitivity and 8Ohm impedance(tube friendly).
Thanks in advance
Audio Exotics has some forums discussing some of the differences, including a shootout between an 833 vs. the 805MkII.

Hi Schorly.

Read the new hifi+ review on Berning Quadature Z mono amps. 275 watts into 4ohm load. Franco Serblin of SF used Berning ZHZ20 70watt amp in his studio on Strads during the Jan 05 Stereophile review. The Quad Z is his new reference. Yikes. I am auditioning after Roy Gregory finishes his follow up review for HiFi+ later this month. Will let you know! Lloyd