Lie you told your wife to buy equipment?

Just wanted to check if I am the only one who hides equipment, try to blend it into my current system etc etc hoping my wife will not find out. Lets hear yours..LOL
Nope no reason. I do ask for her opinion on all the equipment I look to far look and feel or coolness. As I write this response she is sitting next to me listening to 480East.

Actually my wife is pretty cool with my components. But like John (Jmcgrogan2)said I don't ask about the 100 pair of shoes in closet.

"But it's on sale"
"No Honey, I'm not selling it...I'm packing it up to send it in for a tune-up." Translation: Sending it in for an upgrade.
Man I snuck in a phono preamp last week. The seller decided the original boxes weren't enough and he double boxed everything which made the boxes about the size of a VW bug. Luckily my wife took the kids to bed and fell asleep with the last one. I was out in the garage for an hour cutting up boxes and sweeping peanuts. She still hasn't noticed but eventually she's going to try to play a record and then I'm in for it. Hopefully by then it'll be worth it!

Oh well at least we're not out sneaking girl freinds/hookers or using drugs (except Viridian- what a dirt bag!).
the person who sold me my Muse model nine CD player upgraded to an (identical looking) model eleven without telling his wife.

kinda sneaky...