Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.
There we have it folks, now we have seen the dark side of the moon. Charles, having had the Elrogs in my Franks for a while, I certainly agree with your assessment. Based on my experience, I would have been somewhat surprised had you come to any other conclusion. Good listening!
How much improvement did you notice with your Elrogs as you accumulated more hours on them? They are so good with only a few hours(24 hour factory burn in). Bill, I can honestly say this tube in the Frankenstein is a stunningly good match. I am sure the same is true of other high quality 300b amplifiers as well. Given the pure satisfaction I have with the EML and Takatsuki(again better than everything else other than the Elrog) I wasn't sure of what to expect.

The Elrog has a lower amplifying factor and actually has a lower maximum power output than other 300bs, but it counters with 'higher current' delivery. Based on what I'm hearing, the current must be more significant than output power capability (at least in this case). The sound is "more" alive,vibrant, energetic and saturated not less. The music opens up, blooms, breaths and there's increased ambiance awareness and communication.

I don't know how much of what I am hearing has to do with thoriated tungsten filaments. I'll say this, they sure aren't hurting the sound. Based on my listening I can't imagine how any music lover wouldn't fall for this tube in a good SET amplifier. I'm still surprised the Elrog has more resolution/transparency than the superb Takatsuki, it was the king in this respect(with EML a close second). Once again, the 3 dimensional density and human presence factor is just special. Jazz drummers if well recorded have wonderful snap,impact and authenticity. These tubes absolutely increase the startle factor.
Charles, due to my current situation I'm only getting about 5 hours a week on the Elrogs. I do think they are improving, but its hard to say for sure with so few hours and extended times between sessions. They are so good I'm not inclined to leave the system on while I can't listen critically just to speed up burn in.

I also have no issues with the decreased output. For other owners of Franks, this shouldn't be an issue.

As you know, I tend to be fairly restrained in my assessment of new tubes, so as not to influence people with hyperbole, personal preference, or system dependent synergy. I expect you noticed my departure from form with this tube. These tubes are so very good I just couldn't restrain myself. You have done a nice job on capturing the notable attributes. With respect to my Psvane Ts, the Elrogs are an improvement in every respect.