Amplifier recs for Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor M?

My primary system consists of Aerial 10Ts driven by a ML 334, with a ML 38S and a ML 390S. I listen to classical, jazz, rock, instrumental, vocals, and some R&B. I have been very happy with this system but recently caught the all-too-contagious upgrade bug, and we all know where that leads . . . . So I am selling my 10Ts and replacing them with the Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor Ms and the REL R-305 sub-base system. I LOVE the SFs with the REL. I will stick with the 334 and 38S until some point after the SFs are broken in, but I already know I want to see just how good I can make the SFs sound. My $$$ limit for both amps combined is $12K; I prefer to purchase new electronics. Thanks in advance for your comments!
Just to mention an alternative, I am using a Music Reference RM-200 with Cremona Auditors (originals not M). The RM-200 is a 100wpc hybrid amp that uses 4 KT88s in the output stage.

I use a Modwright 36.5 preamp and a Meridian G08 cdp. Soundstage is wide and deep. Voices are fantatic with a "you are there" quality. The combo is also a stand out with stringed as well as brass instruments.

The RM-200 gives up very little in bass impact to SS (e.g., Tricked-Out Odyssey Monoblocks). You may want to read the RM-200 review in Stereophile.

I am running the c2300. A top notch very versatile pre with a fanatastic tubed MC/MM phono stage. Also has a HT pass thru. I can't say enough about this pre. The pre, amp, speaker combo is pretty much end game save for the "upgrade bug" thing. I also use the Yter (sp) speaker cable. My dealer gave me 30% off because of my prior purchases. I felt that the speaker cable made a big enough difference to warrant the purchase. Let me know if you have any more questions.

Recently I bought a pair of new Cremona M, I'm half italian and I decided to call SF in italy to hear their recommendations because all Sonus Faber speakers are very room placement dependent then when I asked about amplifiers they just said "there are many good amps brand out there we use audionet and we are very satisfy with the results" personally I have a Lexicon LX-7 wich I use for my HT but I am looking for a new stereo amplifier and I like MBL but maybe I finnish buying a Burmester amp.