Anyone permanently convert from tubes to SS?

I often hear about those that "discover" tubes and never look back, but has anyone here gone from being a "tube guy" to finding a SS amp that satisfied you equally or more? I don't intend on starting another tube vs. SS debate, I'd just like to see how many have left tubes behind. If you are a convert, which SS amp convinced you to leave tubes?
Yes, for my preamplifier, as I went from tubed units by Counterpoint and ARC, and went with the solid state Ayre K-1xe. (I have noticed that Ayre has been mentioned a few times in this thread.)

And a qualified Yes for my amps, although that depends on whether you count a one tube hybrid to be solid state (i.e. my Lamm M2.1 monoblock amps). Most people seem to catagorize this amp as a solid state amp, including Stereophile magazine.
I am the usual SS to Tube person, with a slight twist. I found that my 50 wpc McIntosh 2505 works best with my ultra sensitive Klipsch La Scalas. There is fantastic synergy between the two brands.
The stated sensitivity is seems to be true. The Klipsch are very very easy to drive to ear spliting spls with low power. When I picked them up the previous owner was using 2A3 amps with all of 3wpc, they were loud and I know loud. They seem an obvious choice for flea power tube amps. The only thing is that the bigger the SS Mac the better they sound. The speakers have infinitely better tonal balance with SS the Klipsch "MIA bass" finally shows up. The Macs simply spank the tube amps I have tried with them.
For a few years I had parallel systems (VTL/CJ) but finally sold the tubes for reasons of practicality, not better sound. If I had unlimited funds, I would still have both.
Yes, I have been in this hobby since 1970, owned many amps and preamps, tubes or SS. Since I got my Krell FBP300c five years ago, I have not changed--------