Anyone permanently convert from tubes to SS?

I often hear about those that "discover" tubes and never look back, but has anyone here gone from being a "tube guy" to finding a SS amp that satisfied you equally or more? I don't intend on starting another tube vs. SS debate, I'd just like to see how many have left tubes behind. If you are a convert, which SS amp convinced you to leave tubes?
'83-'93 ALL tubes ALL good (tried lots). '93-'07 SS amps + tube pre (numerous combos). '07-?? ALL SS-oo gooood.. Although a very long and slow transition I believed it to be a sure one! The latest were moves from a VTL 7.5 to ARC REF3 then late last year to an FM 266MKII. All these 25 years have always thought there is no way in the world that I could live without 'any glow in the flow', but was proved wrong! It was such a revelation, so much so that I'm ordering their one up model the 268.
had tubes before either in hybrid form (tube pre/solid state amp). or all tubes. Now just using Accuphase. All s/s amp
Once you find a good tube solution to your liking. But that's just me. I could never go back..:)

All my life I loved tubes and even today I have tube preamplifier. However, my speakers sound the best with high powered amplifier so I had to look everythere.
My choice in power amp is Spectron Musician III - with midrange same as the best tube amplifiers I ever heard. On other hand its not SS amp either, its class D.

If I would have a horn speaker I would use tube SET amp.

I suggest you to read excellent article on this sugject:

All The Best