Musical Int. Amp that has exstended natural treble
I am looking for recommendations. I have plenty of opportunities to audition in NYC or NJ, but I want to zero in on something I'd like. My sound taste is YBA-balance with more, much more treble extension. Music Hall amp has great treble but nothing else. I would appreciate if someone thinks of an integrated amp that has realistic treble and mid without limitation. I am not looking for warm sound, tube sound or bass extension. I am looking for an amp that makes piano sound real as well as violins sound like they have strings. Realism and presence. Please advise.
Mac MA6900 has all the qualities you are looking for, but is much more expensive than the Krell you tried. Excellent HF-extension and air, lots of texture, very good depth. It is not as dynamic or articulate in the bass as the 400xi though.
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